The Objective of the Department of Valuation and Property Management

  • Grip Rate chargeable in the Municipal Council for the purpose of property tax

  • Maintaining the tax system fair and equitable

  • Manage properties effectively Council

  • Providing social services to all taxpayers

  • Increase new sources of income through the proliferation and esplorasi new fields

  • Ensure all developers lot forwarding Strata-rise buildings set JMB / MC which has a lot of development management corporation

Function Valuation and Property Management

  • To evaluate properties in the area MPBP aspects in property tax purposes.

  • Updated data evaluation

  • Take notice to collect delinquent property taxes and rent

  • Processing applications for booth rental, market and transfer

  • Maintenance of the buildings owned by MPBP

  • Official search property info

  • Regulating the maintenance and management of buildings and common property held developer, Corporation Joint Management Board (JMB) and Management Corporation (MIC)