We have been appointed to serve the Batu Pahat Municipal Council has pledged time and while we are working with government, we will observe the cores of current service duties.

To this end we will: -     

  • Determined to raise the quality of services.
  • Working with full responsibility.
  • Strive to selfishness.
  • Serve with goodwill and friendliness.
  • Work towards developing people's thinking and development of the country.
  • Cooperation in combating weaknesses and enemies of the state.
  • Strong faith in religion.
  • Tasked with full commitment, improve the quality control of official secrets and service.
  • Maintain and strengthen the integrity of the public service by preventing and combating all forms of corruption, abuse of power and embezzlement.


That we, the staff of Batu Pahat Municipal Council pledged:

  • Will also promote the values ​​of integrity, transparency and good governance, as well prohibit all forms of corruption, either directly or indirectly and ensure compliance with the ethics of the discipline in order to create a positive work culture and free from corruption.
  • Will not either personally or representatives or through any agent to do any misconduct or any form of abuse under any provision of law, including the Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009, Penal Code or the provisions of other laws effective for ensuring the organization, stakeholders, and customers are maintained.
  • Will not carry out any governance practices or activities that require or encourage any employee, representative or agent to do any form of corruption.
  • Will support the Anti-Corruption Principles In the exercise of governance and interaction with customers, stakeholders and government agencies, and
  • Will eradicate any form of corruption and take firm action against any employee or party who committed the act that could jeopardize the integrity and tarnish the image of Batu Pahat Municipal Council and the State Government of Johor in particular.